Psht! Who am I kidding?
This is my day:
* Reads email but swears not to open any social media
- Sticks to guns
* Opens book to start editing
- Reads notes & last pages to get back into groove
* Checks facts & researches internet sites, click, click, click...
- Somehow ends up on Twitter
- Checks mouse to see if it's possessed. Damn!
* An hour later, I swear I’m not doing that again, but now I’m hungry - Somehow ends up on Twitter
- Checks mouse to see if it's possessed. Damn!
- I rationalize - nourished body = stimulated brain.
* Opens book again, reads the last page I edited again
* Argues with cat* Answers phone
* Ooh! Email alert! Facebook is telling me it's my turn in Scrabble. I feel it’s my duty, as an Aunt, to kick my neices asses regularly and show them who’s the Scrabble Queen in the family.
- Plays Scrabble for 20 minutes – 10 mins playing & 10 mins giggling because I’m imagining their eyes when they see my 50 point word.
- But THAT’S IT! I really really swear this time. I’m getting back to work.
* And that’s when the kids walk through the door from school.
Must. Stop. Procrastinating.